Black & Kinky Amongst Brown Waves

this week’s poem
September 29, 2010, 1:10 am
Filed under: self love, self reflection


i should be sleeping, but i want to try and post a poem each week by monday or tuesday. i have not been to sleep yet, so it is officially still tuesday in my body…



untitled (c) by margaux delotte-bennett

i feel like i am entering the age of invisibility
am i there and more dim?
am i here, but harder to see
b/c the ways that i be
are not right for this age
this stage in life
when the triumphs of my kids
or spouse
and 2 car garage house
make me seen

i must glean my accolades from the ones given to them
i should not shine
i should only please

i am in a time when a baby’s sneeze
should get more attention than my 2 degrees
but the only thing i’ve birthed these days
is a play
and a book of my poems
that i put to bed
as my soul still roams in search of my one
but the funny thing about me
is that i see myself as a mother, but seldom as a wife
marriage at this age might be plagued with strife
b/c i’m grown
and a bit set in my ways
guess that’s why i’m firmly rooted in my invisible days…

it may be a warning to others, but also to me
what is is what is
and may continue to be

by sharing these thoughts with you
i feel there may be more to see
and in that knowing
i’m a little more free

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